Broadly speaking, nuclear waste is divided into two categories, Low Level Waste and Intermediete (LILW) and High Level Waste (HLW). LILW is the nuclear waste in the form of gloves, shoe covers and clothing of workers at nuclear power plants as well as the maintenance of machine tools and the like. Treatment programs so how do LILW stored in temporary storage before being didispose permanently. While generally HLW-treated with 2 methods, dry and wet storages. As the name implies, in wet storage, nuclear waste from reactor-treated in water for 3-5 years to reduce the cooling plus heat from radioactive decays. After passing through that process, the nuclear waste container is inserted into the specially designed so that it can securely store, especially the use of corrosion resistant materials and radiation. While dry storage, nuclear waste is directly inserted into a specially designed container without water as a coolant. Usually stored up to 6 years in the container. Containers can dry storages shaped metal casks, concrete silos, and storage vaults.
More than 90% of the world's nuclear waste currently-treated through a process of wet storage. Generally, the temporary storage of nuclear waste at the nuclear plant itself, so it does not need to be transported through the transport distance. Not random people can come into this facility, because of course the controls are very tight. NPP managers are required to provide periodic reports on the passage of nuclear waste to the local regulatory bodies and also the IAEA.
Treatment can then use a geological repository system, or use a transmutation techniques that today more and more research in the field, such as fast reactors and ADS are predicted to exist several decades to come.
Researchers discover microbes that clean and neutralize nuclear waste and other toxic metal power produced by the microbes themselves.
Researchers from Michigan State University (MSU), said this process could be improved and ultimately benefit the affected sites of nuclear contamination.
The ability of Geobacter microbes are the crippling uranium has been well documented, but the way they do the job right is still a mystery to this day when the researchers claim to find it.
Researchers claim to find nano conductive pili or cables that contribute to the neutralizing ability of these microbes through electrical activity.
"Our findings clearly show, nano wires into the main catalyst of this microbial reduction of uranium," said microbiologist Gemma Reguera from MSU.
This part is very important in performing electroplating with the electric version of the natural uranium, radioactive materials and prevent crippling contaminate ground water, he added.

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