1. Generated from renewable energy resources and the availability of raw materials is assured
2. High cetane number (number that indicates whether or not the measure of the quality of diesel fuel based on the nature of the speed of the engine combustion chamber)
3. High viscosity so as to have better lubrication properties than diesel fuel thereby extending the life of the machine
4. Can be produced locally
5. Has a low sulfur content
6. Lower levels of smoke opasiti
7. Lowering exhaust emissions
8. Blending biodiesel with petroleum diesel to improve biodegradibility petroleum diesel to 500%
Biodiesel Raw Materials
Biodiesel is a diesel motor fuel in the form of ester alkyl / alkyl fatty acids (usually methyl ester) are made from vegetable oils or trans-esterification process. stilah biodiesel fuel is identical to the pure. Biodiesel blend (BXX) is as much as XX `% biodiesel mixed with diesel fuel number 1-XX%
Background The need for Biodiesel in Indonesia:
Diesel fuel in the form of methyl ester / ethyl fatty acids. Made from vegetable oils-fats with the metanolisis / etanolisis. -Too products: glycerin. Or from fatty acids (free) by the esterifi-cation with methanol / ethanol. -Too products: water Compatible with diesel fuel, lubricating helpless better. Yield of sulfur is almost nil, generally <15 ppm. BXX = camp. XX-vol% biodiesel with (100 - XX)-vol% diesel. Example: B5, B20, B100. Was effective to improve the quality of diesel vehicle emissions in the B2 level!. Vegetable oil as the main source of biodiesel can be satisfied by a wide variety of plant species dependent on primary resource that is widely available at a place / country. Indonesia has many resources for biodiesel feedstock. Biodiesel fuel is a clean burning alternative fuel That comes from 100% renewable resources. Many people believe That biodiesel is the fuel of the future. Sometimes it is also known as biofuels. Biodiesel does not contain petroleum, petroleum but can be mixed to Produce a blend of biodiesel (eg B20, B50) That can be used in many different vehicles. Pure biodiesel fuel (ie. B100) though, can only be used in diesel engines. Biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it so safe That it is even safer than the commonly used table salt! Biodiesel is not alternative fuels like vegetable oil. Biodiesel can be used in its unaltered form in diesel engines. Vegetable oil fuels must be modified and used only in combustion-ignition engines. This makes biodiesel one of the easiest alternative fuels to use. In fact, it is a great option for use on farms in farm equipment. Biodiesel fuel is made through a process called transesterification. This process involves removing the glycerin from the vegetable oil or fat. During the process byproducts are left behind, Including methyl esters and glycerin. Biodiesel is free from Such substances as sulfur and aromatics the which are found in traditional fuels. Compared to other alternative fuels, biodiesel has a number of unique features and qualities. It has passed all the health effects testing requirements, unlike other alternative fuels. This means it meets the standards of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. | The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has legally allow biodiesel to be sold and distributed commercially. The rest of the alternative fuels can not be sold commercially as motor fuel Because They do not meet the EPA's fuel specifications. That I believe the biggest feature about biodiesel fuel is that? Is it environmentally-friendly, the which is not found in many traditional fuels. Biodiesel is made from renewable resources, the which means it is safe for the environment. It does not Produce the high emissions like traditional fuels. Biodiesel does not cause harmful effects to the environment That Will Produce positive effects on our future generations. Biodiesel is also good for the economy Because unlike traditional fuels, the resources to the make biodiesel come form within the United States. It is made with products grown in the USA without having to involve politics with other countries. The country can less dependent upon foreign Become countries for fuel supplies and the money goes right back into the U.S. economy. Biodiesel is an innovative fuel FuelBiodiesel That Is Becoming more rapidly available to the general public. It can be found around the country in select places or it can be bought directly from producers. It costs a little more than traditional fuels at the current time Because the demand is not as great. However, as demand Grows and the public realizes the benefits of a biodegradable, renewable fuel source, the price will drop. You can see That the price has already started to drop since it's launched at Their first Biodiesel station. Right now, though, the cheapest way to get biodiesel fuel is to make it at home yourself using a Biodiesel Equipment. Biodiesel equipment can be expensive, I must agree. However, in the long-run, you can actually save a lot of money when you Produce Biodiesel a good blend for your car. Make biodiesel When the oil used to fry the event of oxidation, hydrolysis of the oil molecules break down into acids. This process is getting bigger with the high heating and a long time during the frying of food. The presence of free fatty acids in cooking oil is not good for health. FFA can also be ester when reacted with methanol, while if it reacts with the soda will mebentuk soap. The product must be purified from biodiesel byproduct, glycerin, soap and soda residual methanol. The rest are on the soda can henghidrolisa biodiesel and biodiesel break into FFA are then dissolved in biodiesel itself. FFA content in biodiesel is not good because it can clog the filter or strainer with sediment and become corrosive to metals diesel engines.
On a small scale can be done with 1 liter of cooking oil materials are new or used. Methanol as much as 200 ml or 0.2 liter. Caustic soda or NaOH to 3.5 grams of clean cooking oil, used oil if needed 4.5 grams, or maybe more. This excess is required to neutralize the free fatty acids or FFA is a great deal on used cooking oil. Can also use KOH but it has cost more and required 1.4 times more than soda. The manufacturing process; Soda dissolved in methanol fire and then fed into the heated oil about 55 ° C, stirred rapidly for 15-20 minutes and then left in the cold overnight. Biodiesel will be obtained at the top with a clear yellowish color and a little lower part of the FFA mixture of soap, the rest of the unreacted methanol and glyserin approximately 79 ml. Biodiesel is a yellowish liquid at the top separated easily by pouring and remove the bottom of the liquid. For large-scale bottom product can be purified to obtain a high-priced glycerin, also soap and residual unreacted methanol.

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