Electricity generated from gas turbines, 4 or 2 - stroke engine with a motorcycle, is higher than the same weight. Medium containing an equal weight of the gas turbine power, and transportation as mentioned above will no longer widely used and produced by the gas turbine.
How it works Gas Turbine
The major components of gas turbines, there are three. High pressure air compressor to create. Combustion chamber and the combustion air pressure and high-speed serves in a part of the production. Turbine from the high pressure air in the combustion chamber was a function of mechanical motion.
Combustion chamber. The chemical composition of the three elements of air and fuel burning fire. A hydrocarbon fuel is used in gas turbines. From the high pressure air compressor into the combustion chamber, fuel injectors and combustion air pressure is sprayed in production, leading to a higher speed. Turbine used to generate electricity. The existing gas turbine, called a modified turbo. The format is similar to the gas turbine. Turbo - The fan in front of a fan compressor (fan) is.

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