• The drum water level high
As a result of drum level high, then a mixture of steam and water can get into the steam line which can result in damaging the piping system waterhammer.
• The drum water level low
Generally a boiler equipped with automatic safety devices to trip the boiler / power plant unit if the water level in the lower drum, to prevent fatal damage to the boiler. If the water level below the expected glass, and automatic safety is not working normally, is necessary to take action to turn off / stop the boiler.
• Boiler tube failure
Indication of a boiler tube leak, among others: kelaianan sound, the water rises above normal adder, more white chimney smoke, steam sprayers. Try to keep the water level in the drum remained normal. Stop the boiler, because the water / vapor can leak mengkikis adjacent tube so that it can exacerbate the damage
• IDF trip
Generally equipped with interlock, if the IDF and FDF automatically trip the boiler trip, because the FDF and the boiler does not trip the fire would burst out of the baker. If the IDF trip, and the interlock system is not working normally, manually trip FDF
• Loss of ignition
Generally boiler is equipped with a flame detector to monitor the combustion in the combustion chamber. If the flame goes out automatically the supply of fuel will be stopped.
If this happens needs to be done purging the combustion chamber for at least 5 minutes before the start of the next firing, to prevent explosion
• Power failure
If it happens interrupted power supply (voltage loss), it is impossible to spend PULVERIZER coal present in the mill before turning off the boiler. If the mill can not be operated again within 3 hours, then the coal is in the mill to be removed to prevent fires.
Fire in the mill when the mill operation is rare, but sometimes also the result of coal from the coal bunker was tebakar or primary air temperature is too high. The presence of fire can be detected from a very rapid temperature rise / sharply on the outlet side
• Corrosion / kropos / rust
Corrosion is a threat of an eye the plant / equipment, as it could potentially interfere with the operation, shorten the life of the plant
High-potential equipment corrosion, among others:
a) Equipment in the primary cooling system with cooling sea water medium, the pier. General corrosion of equipment that could potentially include: traveling screen / water intakes, docks, condenser water box. To inhibit the corrosion rate is usually done by means of cathodic protection, among others: Zeng anode / anode victim, inverse current, as well as anti-rust paint
b) Element AH cold side
AH element most susceptible to the cold side corrosion, caused by sulfur in the flue gases condenses, especially if using fuel with high sulfur content.
Efforts to inhibit the corrosion rate is done by controlling the exit flue gas temperature is always above the dew point AH sulfur, among others, by heating the incoming air AH (Air Preheat Coil)
c) Boiler tube
Corrosion of boiler tube can occur due to water quality charger (boiler water) is not good / not pure / contaminated, among others, as a result of leaking condenser tube, oxygen levels within the high water boiler. Solved immediately in the event of condenser tube leak, adjust the water quality of the blowdown and chemical injection. Oxygen levels within the control of boiler water, with a de-aerating and chemical injection.
• slagging and fouling
Slagging and fouling is a threat that could potentially interfere with the operation of the boiler that uses fuel, especially coal. Part boiler slagging and fouling potential occurs are:
.> Furnace slagging
Place of ash slagging / ash melts its temperature exceeds the melting point of ash. Process due to the occurrence of ash attached to the fuel pipes in the room was thick enough to inhibit heat transfer process so that the temperature of the combustion chamber so up and melt the ash. Sediment / deposit this ash is melted down along the pipe boiler stir, then serve frozen / hard when it came to the area which the temperature is cooler.
Great slagging can lead to blockage of ash bridging the hoper. If the clean-up deposit occurs normally require bridging boiler stop. Sootblowing do regularly, to slow the rate of formation of slagging. Sootblower reliability is critical to prevent slagging
.> SH deposit
Abu superheater tube attached to the longer will be more thick, inhibit heat transfer, so that the steam temperature tends to drop. Sootblowing do routinely to menhambat ash deposit rate on SH, and sootblowernya be effective
.> Economiser fouling
Abu also be attached to the tube economiser, even more so when using a finned-tube economisernya. Sootblowing do routinely. Sootblower be effective.
.> AH fouling
Furthermore ashes will stick to the AH, it can even block some element AH. Sootblowing do routinely. Sootblower be effective. Frequency can lead to excessive sootblowing AH seals wear faster, so that air leakage become bigger, decreasing the amount of combustion air and ultimately increase the potential for slagging on boiler combustion chamber

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