Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Build Trust in Your Workplace

It is a condition often found in the decline of trust between management and employees have. I do not have employees trust management, and administration staff that were difficult for you to easily customize do not change.

Trust financial crisis has made the difficult decision when jobs are important for a business that's going around and change the future. However, it was really hard to maintain the trust is more.

What is faith?

Sure there are many definitions, in this context means doing what they say they will have the spirit, is an honest and open, and create an environment where everyone works together to agree targets Does the act. I understand that many organizations are going through difficult times right now, and be open at any time, for example, you can not.

Management team to keep you, or you can build trust? Confidence at all levels of organization should be included above. Administrators, managers and analysts on a daily basis by strengthening their resolve to act.

Here in order to build confidence in the organization and personality points to consider are: -
Staff time and listen!

Staff time and listen!

Keep the promise - it is the most important. If a company says it will do something, believe that this is the time promised. For example, every year, should be reviewed annually, for notice should be agreed sary, anurty have been asked to respond! If for any reason can not promise anything, then clearly explain why.
Tell the truth - it is an obvious thing, but not always acting. Do not lie to people. Only when people lie to you, since they do not believe a word you get. If mistakes were made, then talk. Recognize mistake and I apologize. Being in advance. Your employees will respect it.
Be transparent - share information with employees as possible. I know that this is not always possible, especially when the decision takes into account a change. However, as open as possible.
Everyone equally and fairly Profile - consistency is important, so make sure that if they are equally applicable rules. Seeing things with some people "get away" to be or another way to treat skin feels bad and distrust.

In addition to the above, there people who want to believe anything about points for: -
All work as a team

All work as a team

Manage your state of mind - as relevant as possible to his mood. Change from positive to negative and non-forest trust makes a non-fixed environments.
Listen - this is a very underrated talent, and many people think they are better than they really are! For example, to understand, listen. Put on your point of view without interference or, making sure I have a long way.
Be original - do not tell anyone they're not. See through you and your team know you're pretending to be.
Say thank you - and Gambhir often as possible.
Help in a crisis - if your team is really busy, offer to lend a hand. Pick up the phone, even if only one message. Your offer of help would be appreciated.
Be available - sometimes placed in the agenda when your team can come and talk to you. This is especially important that you are more. If you start to lose contact, you can start to lose faith.
Invite comments and responses - ask the team what they think. Exchange ideas and opinions (remember to listen before you), consider what is happening. Being open is good. To provide a forum for them to remember.

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