Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recognize Cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom. The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is, how big, and how much that affects the nearby organs or tissues. If the cancer has spread symptoms can appear in different parts of the body. As the cancer grows, it can start to encourage nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves. This pressure makes some of the signs and symptoms kangker.Kanker is not a mild disease. The initial step in the treatment of cancer detection correctly is that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be performed quickly and accurately. The next step is a therapeutic treatment in a conventional manner. But in fact this way of treatment with cancer often have not been able to overcome completely. Kinds of kinds of cancer

Several other types of cancer who are well known community include:

Brain cancer
Cervical Cancer
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Kidney Cancer
Leukemia / blood cancer
Liver cancer
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Ovarian Cancer
Skin cancer
Testicular Cancer
Thyroid cancer
Cancer of the uterus
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal cancer

The symptoms of cancer

The following symptoms are common symptoms in cancer (but did not rule out one or more does not occur in a particular cancer type):

Loss of appetite
Sweating, especially at night

Prevention in General

Prevention of cancer is a common way of reducing exposure to carcinogenic materials, such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, Akif physical life, striving for the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening for the possibility of getting cancer. Cancer screening test is intended to determine the possibility of cancer so that it can reduce the number of deaths from cancer because if cancer is found at a very early stage, where the cancer has not spread further, the cancer usually can be treated and provide optimal results.

Mental Therapy

Some things to do in terms of mental therapy for patients with cancer are:

Managing stress
Recognizing the stress
Moral support in cancer patients
Stay active and have fun
Empathize (mamahami mental burden experienced by cancer patients to support recovery)
Optimistic in the running life
Dispose of revenge and hatred
Prayer therapy (closer to God)

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