In the process plant, in addition to require coal as a fuel, it also requires a certain quality of water as boiler feed which in turn is converted into steam to drive turbine generators. For the purposes of water which will then be made specific to the power plant water treatment facilities. Content of salts are usually always there, Bicarbonate, HCO3; Chloride, Cl; Sulfate, SO4: NO3 nitrate of calcium, Ca; magnesium, Mg, and sodium, Na. There is also an iron, Fe; Manganese, Mn and aluminum, Al.
To get water that meets the requirements for steam boilers (boiler) in a Steam Power Plant (power plant) is required Water Treatment. There are two ways of processing, namely;
• Processing is carried out Boiler (external treatment).
• Processing in the Boiler (internal treatment).
Distillation Method
In this method the modified salt water into fresh water. The principle is very simple: by heating the sea water and steam in the chill returned. To make fresh water from sea water in large quantities. Sea water is introduced into the vessel and heated by steam through the steam pipe. Hot steam is passed through a boiling sea water pipe. Because of this heat effect of sea water began to evaporate. Sea water vapor put into the second vessel is equipped with cooling water installations. Heat absorbed by water vapor condenses to form salt and raw water. This process will occur on a problem that is the formation of crust on the surface of the metal (pipe). The crust is hard and difficult to remove and also a poor conductor of PNAS. To overcome this metal surfaces coated with Teflon.
Demineralization way
Of salt water can also be eliminated by using the ion. Ion exchange unit is equipped with sand filters. Penukat ion exchanger consists of cation and anion exchangers. Cation exchanger that takes the positive ions from the water and the anion exchanger to take the negative ion of water. This exchanger is a resin material which can be activated in an already saturated after regenerated. Cation exchanger regenerated with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is an anion exchanger is regenerated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

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