Judging from the ongoing process, there are two types of nuclear reactions, nuclear chain reaction is uncontrolled and uncontrollable nuclear chain reaction. Uncontrolled nuclear reaction occurred for example in a nuclear bomb. The purpose of these events are not controlled nuclear reaction to heat generated tremendous magnitude that has a bomb blast damaged a maximum power. In order for a nuclear reaction that occurs can be controlled safely and the energy released from nuclear reactions can be utilized, then people try to create a means of reaction known as a nuclear reactor. production of nuclear fuel for power reactors (NPP), namely:
Yellow Cake purification and conversion into UO2 powder nuclear degrees, and
Device fabrication of nuclear fuel for heavy water reactor type nuclear power plants (HWR)
UO2 powder production process begins nuclear degrees of dissolution process the raw materials of Yellow Cake, and purification, precipitation and drying of ADU (ammonium diuranat), calcination of UO3 to U3O8, U3O8 into UO2 reduction and passivation of UO2 powder.
UO2 powder product was then sent to the fabrication untukdiproses further into a final product of the nuclear fuel (fuel bundles). Fabrication processes include: the creation of sintered UO2 pellets, preparation and assembly of components of fuel elements, as well as the nuclear fuel assembly.
Nuclear reactor produces and controls the release of energy from the splitting of atomic number elements such as uranium and plutonium. In the reactor nuclear power plant (NPP), the energy released from fission (split) a chain of atoms of fuel and the heat generated is used to produce steam.
To get an idea of the amount of energy can be released by nuclear reactions, the following is an example of a simple calculation. Take 1 g (0.001 kg) 235 U nuclear fuel. The number of atoms in the fuel are:
N = (1/235) x 6.02 x 25.6 x 1020 1023 = 235 U atom.
Because each of the 235 U fission of nuclear fuel is accompanied by the release of energy of 200 MeV, then 1 g of 235 U that make perfect fission can release energy by:
E = 25.6 x 1020 (atom) x 200 (MeV / atom) = 51.2 x 1022 MeV
If the energy is expressed in units of Joules (J), where 1 MeV = 1.6 x 10-13 J, the energy released then becomes:
E = 51.2 x 1022 (MeV) x 1.6 x 10-13 (J / MeV) = 81.92 x 109 J
Assuming only 30% of that energy can be converted into electrical energy, electrical energy can then be obtained from 1 g of 235 U is:
Elistrik = (30/100) x 81.92 x 24.58 x 109 J = 109 J
Because 1J = 1 Ws (E = Pt), the electronic equipment like TV sets with power (P) 100 W power requirements can be met by 1 g of 235 U for:
t = Elistrik / P = 24.58 x 109 (J) / 100 (W) = 24.58 x 107 s
Figures 24.58 x 107 second (s) of equal length by 7.78 years continuously without shut down.
Boiling Water Reactor
On a boiling water reactor, the fission heat is used directly to evaporate the cooling water and steam that is formed directly used to turn turbines. High pressure turbine to receive steam at temperatures around 290 º C and a pressure of 7.2 MPa. Most of the steam forwarded again to the low pressure turbine. This system can be obtained with a thermal efficiency of 34%. Thermal efficiency indicates the percentage of fission heat that can be converted into electrical energy. After going through the turbine, the steam will have a cooling process that turns into water flowed directly into the reactor core for the evaporated again and so on. The reactor was used with 235 U fuel enrichment level of 3-4% in the form of UO2.
In 1981, the company Toshiba, General Electric and Hitachi cooperate with the company's Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc. to initiate a joint development project in order to improve system performance by introducing a Boiling Water Reactor Boiling Water Reactor, or A-Advanced BWR (Boiling Water Reactor Advanced). A capacity-BWR is designed to enhance greater economic benefits. In addition, some components of the reactor also increased, such as an increase in the fraction of fuel, coolant circulation pump system improvements, control rod drive mechanism and others.
Pressurized Water Reactor
Pressurized Water Reactor coolant also uses H2O as well as moderator. The difference with Boiling Water Reactor cooling is the use of two types, namely primary and secondary coolant. The heat produced from the fission reaction is used to heat the primary cooling water. The reactor is equipped with a pressure controller (pessurizer) used to maintain the primary coolant system pressure.
Pressurizer system consists of a tank which is equipped with electric heating and water hoses. If the pressure in the reactor core is reduced, an electric heater will heat the water contained in the pressurizer tank, forming the extra steam will raise the pressure in the primary cooling system. Conversely, when pressure increases in the primary cooling system, the sprinkler system would condense some steam so that the vapor pressure is reduced and the primary cooling system will return to its original state. The primary coolant system pressure is maintained at 150 Atm position to prevent the primary cooling water does not boil at temperatures around 300 º C. At normal air pressure, water will boil and evaporate at a temperature of 100 º C.
In the working process, the primary cooling water supplied to the steam generating system that exchanges heat between the cooling system of primary and secondary cooling system. In this case between the two cooling the heat exchange takes place only without any contact or mix, because the two were separated by a cooling pipe system. The exchange of heat causes the secondary cooling water is evaporated. Pressure on the secondary cooling system is maintained at normal air pressure so that water can evaporate at a temperature of 100 º C. Vapor formed in the steam generator system is then streamed to rotate the turbine.
Ability and mastery of nuclear fuel production technology is expected to increase the power of options bargainning domestication of nuclear fuel industry is one of the strategic efforts to strengthen and improve national capacities in introducing nuclear power program in 2025, and to support the development and implementation of innovative nuclear energy systems in the future within the framework of sustainable development.
Technology development activities are currently being implemented in IEBE priority groups to receive:
The ability to produce sintered UO2 pellets according to the requirements,
The ability to execute welding end cap - cladding specification,
Ability of carrying out the synthesis and characterization of a nuclear fuel element structural materials (zircalloy),
The ability to execute the test set quality standards, and
Ability to manage a nuclear installation safety and security.
Development activities are also intended to get the technique or method of sintering pellets UO2yang cheaper than conventional methods and techniques to obtain quality pellets UO2sinter better.
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